home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 1 rem individual label maker
- 2 poke53281,0:poke53280,11
- 3 printchr$(8);chr$(14)
- 4 print"[147] [146][158] ";
- 5 print" {$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60} [166][166][166] [146][158] ";
- 6 print" {$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60} [166][166][166] [146][158] ";
- 7 print" {$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60} [166][166][166] [146][158] ";
- 8 print" [146][158] ";
- 9 print" [146][158] ";
- 10 print" [146][158] ";
- 11 print" LABEL MAKER 64 [146][158] ";
- 12 print" (C) 1987 by [146][158] ";
- 13 print" Barbara H. Schulak [146][158] ";
- 14 print" Published by [146][158] ";
- 15 print" [211]oftdisk [208]ublishing, [201]nc. [146][158] ";
- 16 print"[158] [146][158] ";
- 17 print" [146][158] ";
- 18 print" [146][158] "
- 20 gosub9000
- 25 printtab(7)"[208]ress [211][208][193][195][197][194][193][210] to [195]ontinue"
- 28 get a$:if a$<>" " then 28
- 30 nl=5:dima$(nl)
- 40 print"[147][154][176][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][174]"
- 50 print" [221][150] [154][146][221]"
- 60 print" [221][150] [204]abel [205]aker 64[150] [154][146][221]"
- 70 print" [221][150] [154][146][221]"
- 80 print" [171][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][179]"
- 90 fori=1to7:print" [154][221] [154][146][221]":next
- 100 print" [171][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][179]"
- 110 fori=1to9:print" [221][153] [154][146][221]":next
- 120 print" [173][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][189]"
- 140 cr$="":cw$=""
- 190 gosub880:iff=0thengosub840
- 195 iffthengosub4000:f=0
- 200 gosub930
- 210 getk$:ifk$=""then210
- 220 k=val(k$):ifk<1ork>7then210
- 230 ifk=7thensys(8*4096)+4:rem uptime
- 240 onkgosub270,2000,340,530,680,3000
- 245 iffthen40
- 250 goto200
- 260 :
- 270 gosub880:gosub840:printcr$:printtab(12)"[158]>>[195][210][197][193][212][197][160][204][193][194][197][204]<<"
- 275 printtab(6)"[153][197]nter line and press [210][197][212][213][210][206].
- 280 [153]cw$;"";
- 290 z[178]1
- 300 [153][163]6);:l[178]30:[141]1010:a$(z)[178]v$:[153]
- 310 z[178]z[170]1:[139]z[179][178]nl[167]300
- 320 [141]840:[142]
- 330 :
- 340 [141]840:f1[178]0
- 350 [153]cr$:[153][163]16)"sys>>(NULL)(NULL)atnstr$<<"
- 360 [153][163]3)"printascilename: print";
- 370 l[178]14:[141]1010:[153]:[139]v$[178]""[167][141]840:[142]
- 380 [141]880:[153]cr$;"print";
- 390 [159]15,8,15,"i0"
- 400 [159]2,8,2,"0:"[170]v$[170]",s,r"
- 410 [132]15,e,e$,e1,e2
- 420 [139]e[167][160]2:[160]15
- 425 [153]"str$isk (NULL)tatus:";e;e$
- 430 [139]e[167][129]t[178]1[164]1500:[130]:[141]840:[142]
- 440 [129]i[178]1[164]nl:a$(i)[178]""
- 450 [161]#2,x$:[139][198](x$)[178]13[167]470
- 460 a$(i)[178]a$(i)[170]x$:[137]450
- 470 [130]
- 480 [160]2:[160]15
- 490 [153]cw$;
- 500 [129]i[178]1[164]nl:[153][163]6)"";a$(i):[130]
- 510 [141]840:[142]
- 520 :
- 530 [141]840:f1[178]0
- 540 [153]cr$:[153][163]16)"sys>>(NULL)atn(NULL)val<<"
- 550 [153][163]3)"printascilename: print";
- 560 l[178]14:[141]1010:[153]:[139]v$[178]""[167][141]840:[142]
- 570 [159]15,8,15,"i0"
- 580 [159]2,8,2,"@0:"[170]v$[170]",s,w"
- 590 [132]15,e,e$,e1,e2
- 600 [139]e[167][160]2:[160]15
- 605 [153][163]3)"str$isk (NULL)tatus:"e;e$
- 610 [139]e[167][129]t[178]1[164]1500:[130]:[141]840:[142]
- 620 [129]i[178]1[164]nl
- 630 [152]2,a$(i)
- 640 [130]
- 650 [160]2:[160]15
- 660 [141]840:[142]
- 670 :
- 680 [141]840:[153]cr$
- 690 [153][163]15)"sys>>(NULL)(NULL)right$(NULL)(NULL)<<"
- 700 [153][163]8)"print(NULL)umber of copies [1-9]:"
- 710 [161]k$:[139]k$[178]""[167]710
- 720 [139]k$[178][199](13)[167][141]840:[142]
- 730 nc[178][197](k$):[139]nc[179]1[176]nc[177]9[167]710
- 740 [153][163]10)"print(NULL)rinter ready [(NULL)/(NULL)]"
- 750 [161]k$:[139]k$[178]""[167]750
- 760 [139]k$[179][177]"y"[167][141]840:[142]
- 770 [151] 780,4:[151] 782,7:[158]828
- 775 [139] [194](783) [175] 1 [167] [160] 4:[141] 5000:[137] 680
- 780 [157] 4:[129]j[178]1[164]nc:[129]i[178]1[164]nl
- 790 [153][163]3)a$(i)
- 800 [130]:[153]:[130]
- 810 [152]4:[160]4
- 820 [141]840:[142]
- 830 :
- 840 [153]cr$
- 850 [129]i[178]1[164]7:[153][163]3)"print ":[130]
- 860 [142]
- 870 :
- 880 [153]cw$;
- 890 [129]i[178]1[164]5
- 900 [153][163]2)"";i;"cmd] "
- 910 [130]:[142]
- 920 :
- 930 [153]cr$
- 940 [153][163]3)"print1] lenreate (NULL)abel"
- 945 [153][163]3)"2] valdit (NULL)abel"
- 950 [153][163]3)"3] (NULL)oad valxisting (NULL)abel"
- 960 [153][163]3)"4] (NULL)ave (NULL)abel"
- 970 [153][163]3)"5] (NULL)rint (NULL)abel
- 975 printtab(3)"6] [214]iew [196]irectory
- 980 [153][163]3)"7] (NULL)eturn to (NULL)p(NULL)ime
- 990 return
- 1000 :
- 1010 v$="":k$="":ct=0:print"[164][157]";
- 1020 getk$:ifk$=""then1020
- 1030 ifk$=chr$(13)then1150:rem return
- 1040 ifk$=chr$(20)andct<>0thenprint" [157][157][164][157]";:ct=ct-1:v$=left$(v$,ct):goto1020
- 1050 ifk$=" "then1120:rem space
- 1060 if(k$>"@")and(k$<"[")then1120:rem alpha
- 1070 if(k$>"/")and(k$<":")then1120:rem numeric
- 1080 if(k$>"[192]")and(k$<"[219]")then1120:rem upper case
- 1090 if(k$>" ")and(k$<"0")then1120:rem !"#$%&'()*+,-./ punctuation
- 1100 [139](k$[177]"9")[175](k$[179]"@")[167]1120:[143] :;<=>? punctuation
- 1110 [137]1020
- 1120 [139]ct[177][178]l[167]1020
- 1130 ct[178]ct[170]1:v$[178]v$[170]k$:[153]k$;:[151]212,0:[153]"tocmd";
- 1140 [137]1020
- 1150 [139]ct[178]0[167]v$[178]""
- 1160 [153]" ";
- 1170 [142]
- 1180 :
- 2000 [141]840:[153]cr$:[153][163]13)"sys>>valstr$right$(NULL)close(NULL)atnpeekval(NULL)<<"
- 2005 [153][163]8)"print(NULL)ress (NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL) to accept.
- 2006 printtab(5)"[153][208]ress [194][193][195][203] [193][210][210][207][215] (_) to edit."
- 2010 printcw$;"";
- 2020 z=1
- 2021 printtab(2)"[186]";
- 2022 getk$:ifk$=""then2022
- 2023 ifk$=chr$(13)then2040
- 2024 ifk$<>"_"then2022
- 2025 print" ";
- 2026 print"[157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157]";
- 2030 l=30:gosub1010:a$(z)=v$
- 2040 print:poke1266+40*z,160:z=z+1:ifz<=nlthen2021
- 2050 gosub840:return
- 2060 :
- 3000 print"[147][150] [214]iew [196]irectory [146]"
- 3005 sys49152
- 3010 print:print"[154] [208]ress [210][197][212][213][210][206] to continue."
- 3020 getk$:ifk$<>chr$(13)then3020
- 3030 f=1:return
- 3040 :
- 4000 printcw$;
- 4010 fori=1to5
- 4020 printtab(2)"";i;"[157]] ";a$(i) "
- 4030 [130]:[142]
- 4040 :
- 5000 [153][163]13)"(NULL)rinter error"
- 5010 [153][163]7)"(NULL)ress (NULL)eturn to try again!"
- 5020 [161] a$:[139] a$[179][177][199](13) [167] 5020
- 5030 [142]
- 9000 [129]i[178]49152[164]49321:[135]a:[151]i,a:[130]
- 9005 [131] 32,204,255,32,108,192,176,93,169,2,162,8,160,0,32,186,255,169,2
- 9010 [131] 162,102,160,192,32,189,255,32,192,255,162,2,32,198,255,32,207,255
- 9015 [131] 32,207,255,32,207,255,32,207,255,165,144,201,64,240,40,32,207,255
- 9020 [131] 141,106,192,32,207,255,141,107,192,173,107,192,174,106,192,32,205
- 9025 [131] 189,32,207,255,208,8,169,13,32,210,255,76,40,192,32,210,255,76
- 9030 [131] 73,192,169,2,32,195,255,32,204,255,24,96,36,48,73,48,0,0,169,15
- 9032 [131] 162,8,168,32,186,255,169,2,162,104,160,192,32,189,255,32,192,255
- 9034 [131] 162,15,32,198,255,160,255,200,32,165,255,153,170,192,32,183,255,41
- 9036 [131] 64,240,242,169,15,32,195,255,32,204,255,24,173,170,192,13,171
- 9038 [131] 192,41,15,240,1,56,96
- 9040 [129] i[178]828 [164] 859:[135] a:[151] i,a:[130]
- 9050 [131] 72,152,72,173,12,3,32,195,255,104,168,104,162,4,32,186,255,169
- 9060 [131] 0,32,189,255,32,192,255,174,12,3,32,201,255,96
- 9070 [142]